programs under its each avenues i.e. on the Club Service ,Professional Development, International Club Service and Community Services Avenues. Also the program was conducted in the Special Area Project.
On 22nd March 2008 (Saturday), 27 Rotaractors of RC Tripureswor accomplished one more program under Community Service Avenue. The program was coordinated by Rtr. Ms. Romi Shrestha, Rtr. Ms. Sachita Shrestha, Rtr. Ms. Karuna Ranjit and Rtr. Ms. Sunita Giri. This program basically was designed to distribute the stationeries to the children of Orphan Children Rehabilitation Center (OCRC) at Duwakot, Bhaktapur and also to get socialize with the children.
At round 9A.M all Rotractors fellows of RC Tripureswor gathered at BICC and departed for the OCRC. The program was started with the introduction of OCRC children. All the children were given the toffee after they finish their introduction. Along with the introduction the kids were asked to share jokes, stories and sing a song of their choice. To motivate the children to come up and speak in front of the mass each children were given additional toffee.
After the introduction and the some entertainment programs i.e. socialization program there was the game for and with the kids. The game was "Musical Man". Since we lacked the chairs over there and some of the kids were also very small we came of with an idea of Musical Man where the chairs of popular game "musical chair" was replaced with the fellow Rotractors. Through this idea we avoided the risk of kids being injured and also at the same time we got an opportunity to play game with the kids. The winner of the Musical Man Mr. Sandeep and the runner up Mr. Manish was awarded the prize from RC Tripureswor.
After the game was over all the kids were taken to wash up their hands, feets and face and were be sited for their lunch. Fellow Rotaractors distrubted cookies and tea to all kids. After the lunch program was over the coordinators of the program there was the program of material handover where the coordinators of program handed the stationeries to the care giver of the OCRC. The stationeries consist of copies, pencils, sharpeners, erasers, name sticker, color pens, and the charts.
Moreover fellow Rotractors played antakchadi with the kids of OCRC which was the very exciting and entertainingsocialize with the children.
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